Camp Vaseline Grease


Pack Size : 1 kg

12 Piece per Cartoon



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Pure Vaseline Fu grease, clear, inert and unalterable. Colourless appearance, odorless, does not harden, yellow or stain. Lubricates and reduces friction between mechanical elements, ensuring good protection against metal oxidation. Protects rubber, makes wooden surfaces sliding and waterproof. Format: 1000 ml jar.

  • Petroleum jelly grease, protective, inert, colourless and odorless
  • Clear and colourless, does not yellow or stain
  • Lubricates rubber, plastic, wood and metal components
  • Reduces friction and protects metals from oxidation
  • Ideal for technical, hobby and home uses; Suitable for applications in the food industries to lubricate details that may occasionally come into contact with food


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